Spisok Dokumentov Dlya Statusa Pereselenca Iz Turkmenii V Rf
The problems of adaptation of childrenmigrants coming to Russia from near and far abroad do not lose their relevance in the context of increasing flows of.
At Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University (FTU): Dr. Irina Melnichuk and members of the FTU team (Anna Bubnova, Dr. Alexander Kryukovskiy, Tatiana Chepurina, Maria Fominykh, Tatiana Trubacheva, Dr. Galina Tsymbal, Dr. Victor Smertin, Dr.
Alexandra Kupriyanova, Varvara Basueva, Dr. Tatiana Izotova, Julia Sevrugova, Evgenia Ilina, Anastasia Krasnolutska ya). In Sweden we acknowledge the scientific assistance from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala (Division of Landscape Architecture, Department of Urban and Rural Development) and personally SLU staff: Prof. Maria Ignatieva, Tuula Eriksson, Prof. Per Berg and Dr. We thank our members of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Elena Golosova, Dr.
Diane Menzies and Nigel Thorne for their tremendous support in reviewing and editing papers and abstracts for these proceedings. We also thank.
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