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In a day in age where we have more remaster & sequels than actual original IP’s I ask you the reader; what’s one more? People keep buying this crap, so it’s only going to get worse. But where is this all coming from? So I was lurking the official page when I saw this image posted that read “Biohazard 2”. Underneath the image the caption read “Hello RE fans!
Torrent video copilot element 3d all 7 packs crack machine. This is H again! Right after the RE HD Remaster project was finished, I actually started putting together my ideas for this “RE2 Project”. So, I just brushed it up and went to see my boss to present the basic concept of the project already” Doesn’t confirm anything, but it seems like some Capcom employees are trying to push for a Resident Evil 2 remaster. How you guys feel about this one. Let us know in the comments below.