Pcb Logo Creator Script Files Download
View Source PCB Logo Creator Script The Altium Designer Scripting Examples folder, available for download from, contains an example script, the, that will convert an image onto the PCB. Located in the 'Examples Scripts Delphiscript Scripts Pcb PCB Logo Creator' folder in the Scripting Examples directory, the script operates by placing a large number of slim horizontal tracks on the PCB. When run with the Altium logo 1840 tracks are used to create the image. Altium Designer Winter 09 contained an updated Version 1.5 of the PCB Logo Creator Script.
PCB Logo Creator Script The Altium Designer Scripting Examples folder, available for download from here, contains an example script, the PCB Logo Creator Script, that will convert an image onto the PCB.
Previous versions required that a monochrome image was used. Version 1.5 relaxed that requirement so that white pixels are mapped to voids and non-white pixels to tracks on the PCB. Create Regions From Bitmap Script Another alternative is to use the example script, located in the 'Examples Scripts Delphiscript Scripts Pcb CreateRegionsFromBitmap' folder in the Scripting Examples directory. This script will create region objects to construct the image on the PCB. It can either create a single region for each black pixel in the image or create a region for each black region in the image. The later case takes longer to finish but has the advantage of creating fewer object on the PCB.
Paste Metafile The feature is used to copy and paste images and text from Windows applications into Altium Designer. The simplest way to use the feature to place a graphic on the PCB is: • Place the desired image into a Microsoft Word document • Highlight the image in Microsoft Word and copy it to the clipboard (Edit->Copy in the menu) • Open a new PCB in Altium Designer (File->New->PCB) • Paste the image from clipboard (Edit->Paste) Altium Designer monitors the Windows clipboard for elements in the Text and Metafile formats. In the above steps Microsoft Word placed a copy of the image into the clipboard in the Metafile format which Altium Designer was able to use. The shows data that is available from the Windows clipboard when the 'Monitior clipboard content within this application only' (System->General tab of the Preferences dialog) option is unchecked.
When using image editing programs images may not be copied to the Windows clipboard in the metafile format. In such cases the content will not appear in the System Clipboard Panel and Altium Designer will be unable to paste the image onto the PCB. Samsung xpress m2020 proshivka fix. Din iso 2768 1 class m free software and shareware.