Zapreschennie Modi Na World Of Warplanes
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Game Version EU Server: NA Server: More:, World of Warplanes - massively multiplayer online game dedicated to the golden era in the history of military aviation. The project continues a 'war saga ', which was initiated tank hit World of Tanks. In World of Warplanes players rise from the smoke -covered tracks and pitted battlefields in the sky - to join the ongoing struggle for dominance in the air. The game mode is played by two teams of 15 players, whom converge in the air battles on many maps. In this victory can be achieved as knocking all the enemy planes and achieving excellence in points, and destroy enemy ground targets. In this incredibly important and harmonious teamwork and individual contribution of each - because the World of Warplanes any pilot can change the outcome of the battle. Game time range encompasses one of the most interesting periods in the history of the aircraft.
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All aircraft models are designed to have flight characteristics and some elements of artistic design realistically replicating World War II era aircraft. All aircraft trademarks and trademark rights are the exclusive property of their respective owners. World of Tanks World of Tanks Legendary online tank battles. One of the most popular free-to-play MMO games. World of Warplanes World of Warplanes Fierce battle for air supremacy. One of the most anticipated MMO projects of the year. World of Warships World of Warships Epic naval warfare. Enormous fleet of warships dating back to the 20th century.
You can start your battle your way to the biplanes of the 1930s, to continue his legendary fighting vehicles of World War II and demonstrate aerobatics at the helm of the first jet fighters Korean War, became the progenitors of the modern ' steel birds '.