What Are Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Te
According to the video on the proper aseptic techniques for use in a laboratory, one reason that aseptic technique is necessary is to protect oneself from contact with biohazards that exist within a lab setting. Additionally, it serves the purpose to protect samples from being contaminated. Shade 3d ver 14 keygen crack autocad 1. Aseptic technique is also extremely important for safeguarding others in the lab. Pdanet email and serial number free. Since bacteria are everywhere, including on all of the lab equipment, aseptic techniques allow us to avoid the spread of infection in the above ways.
Serial dilution procedure only counts viable cells while other methods may count. What is the advantages and disadvantages to the serial dilution agar plate. Direct Improvement With Direct Dilution. The serial dilution technique 1 using pipets is a. Direct dilution provides a number of advantages over serial. LAB REPORT OF MICROBIOLOGY. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique Rating: 3,8/5 3951 reviews The number of microorganisms present in the particular test sample is determined using the formula: CFU/mL= CFU * dilution factor * 1/aliquot For accurate counts, the optimum count should be within the range of 30-300 colonies/plate.

The concentration of bleach that is used to disinfect your work area is a 10% concentration of bleach. The bleach concentration serves as a disinfectant, which is an agent that is intended to kill or remove microorganisms, but it does not kill bacteria spores. It is not a method of sterilization because sterilization is the process used to remove all life forms, including bacteria spores. It is important to disinfect your work area before and after working. Do not trust that the person before you took the time to follow disinfection procedure, so always be sure to be consistent just in case.
The video demonstrates the need for the step of passing the mouth of the tube through the flame. This is in order to keep the tube free of contamination. The increased temperature at the mouth of the tube works to create a confection-oven-like current, which pushes the air out of the tube and eliminates the potential for airborne contaminants to get into the mouth of the tube. The presence of the Bunsen Burner in the lab area also serves to decrease the amount of airborne contamination, but this process ensures that anything that may still be present in the air does not enter the tube. The correct way to successfully perform this procedure is to pass the tube over the flame at a 45-degree angle. A pure culture is a culture that only has one type of microorganism growing in it. As a result, if you only see one type of microorganism growing in the culture, then you know that you have used the aseptic technique correctly and have achieves a pure culture.