Volosatov Valerij Ivanovich Knigi
Full text of ' JPRS-UMA-92-045 16 December 1992 Foreign Broadcast Information Service JPRS Report — Central Eurasia Military Affairs DTIC QUALITY INSPECTED 2 19980116 208 REPRODUCED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE SPRINGFIELD, VA 22161 DISTRIBUTION ^ Approved for public release; Distribution Unlimited Central Eurasia Military Affairs JPRS- UMA-92-045 CONTENTS 16 December 1992 CIS/RUSSIAN MILITARY ISSUES CIS/RUSSIA ARMED FORCES Commander of Leningrad MD Interviewed [VOYENNYY VESTNIK No 5-6, May-Jun]. 1 A Professional Approach to a Professional Army [VOYENNYY VESTNIK No 5-6, May-Jun].
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3 Draftee Opinions on Professional Service [VOYENNYY VESTNIK No 5-6, May-Jun]. 5 Aid for Ex-Officers Becoming Farmers Listed [ROSSIYSKAYA GAZETA 25 Nov]. 6 Interview With Russian Cossack Ataman Martynov [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 25 Nov]. 6 Staffing Problems Deriving From Breakup of Armed Forces [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 26 Nov]. 8 ‘Russian Unity’Urges Army Officers To Disobey Orders [KOMMERSANT-DAILY 27 Nov]. 10 CIS: POLICY Opposition to Grachev on Abolition of Student Deferments [IZVESTIYA 6 Nov].
10 CIS: STRATEGIC DETERRENT FORCES History of SLBM Developments in 1950s [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 28 Nov]. 12 CIS: GROUND TROOPS BMPs -1, -2, -3 Profiled [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 27 Nov].
14 Ambushes: Experience from Afganistan [VOYENNYY VESTNIK No 5-6, May-Jun]. 15 Airborne Assault Forces in Mobile Defense [VOYENNYY VESTNIK No 3-4, Mar-Apr].
17 Withdrawal of 7th Guards Airborne Division from Lithuania [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 18 Nov]. 19 Problems Associated With Destruction of Surplus Armor [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 9 Dec]. 21 CIS: AIR, AIR DEFENSE FORCES Weapons-Theft Attacks on PVO Units Increase [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 27 Nov]. 21 CIS: NAVAL FORCES Specifications of Large ASW Ship ‘Admiral Isakov’ [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 17 Nov].
22 CIS: REAR SERVICES, SUPPORT ISSUES Economic Problems of Aviation Support Services [KOMSOMOLSKA YA PRA VDA 4 Nov]. 22 Additional Pay for Service in Severe Climates [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 21 Nov]. 24 Stories, Commentary on Problems of AWOLs [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 25 Nov]. 25 Call for Bids on Military Housing Construction [KRASNA YA ZVEZDA 25 Nov].
26 Maritime Kray Governor’s Decree on Housing [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 27 Nov]. 26 STATE AND LOCAL MILITARY FORCES INTERREGIONAL MILITARY ISSUES Turkmenistan Parliament Approves Cooperation Agreement With Russia [TURKMENSKAYA ISKRA 17 Oct]. 28 Latvian-Russian Protocol on Troop Withdrawal [AP-MP 30 Oct]. 29 Figures for Russian Troops in Baltic Cited [THE BALTIC INDEPENDENT 30 Oct-5 Nov]. 30 Weekly Report on Russian Troop Activities in Baltics [THE BALTIC INDEPENDENT 30 Oct-5 Nov]. 30 JPRS-UMA-92-045 16 December 1992 2 Military Affairs Zotov, Dinevics Assess Troop Withdrawal Negotiations [DIYENA 27 Oct]. 31 Weekly Report on Russian Troop Activities in Baltics [THE BALTIC INDEPENDENT 13-19 Nov].
31 14th Army To Clear Mines Along Dniester [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 24 Nov]. 32 Russian Troops Begin Withdrawal From Chechen Positions [KRASNAYA ZVEZDA 19 Nov]. 32 UKRAINE Morozov, Defense Industry Representatives Meet [NARODNA ARMIYA 23 Oct]. 33 Morozov Discusses Military Doctrine Preparation with Deputies [NARODNA ARMIYA 23 Oct]. 33 Morozov Press Conference on Army Status, Doctrine [NARODNA ARMIYA 7 Oct]. 34 Col-Gen Bizhan on Bishkek Summit Results [NARODNA ARMIYA 15 Oct]. 35 Minimal Sufficiency, Flexible Service Proposed as Armed Forces Goals [NARODNA ARMIYA 22 Oct].
36 Problems Impeding Army’s Formation, Readiness Discussed [VECHERNIY KIEV 23 Oct]. Essentials of strategic management gamble pdf to excel format. 38 Servicemen’s Social Needs, Socio-Political Status Explored [NARODNA ARMIYA 30 Oct].