Transformers Fall Of Cybertron Language Patch Crack Fix
Transformers: War for Cybertron is a video game franchise for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Wii,. (Note that it can be healed by the Energon Repair Ray.).
Patch Notes The latest patch includes the following: GENERAL • Fix for achievements text • Updated Credits Movie MULTIPLAYER • Changes to Host Migration (patched on server) • Fix for G1 skins being playable in Multiplayer (patched on server) • Connectivity Bars in Game now reflect connectivity properly • Network connectivity support for users who don’t have a Router has been enabled • Scientist is now awarded 1 point on the leaderboard for every 3 full heals in Conquest and Headhunter Multiplayer modes only. MULTIPLAYER CLASS FIXES/BALANCE Infiltrator • Scatterblaster damage increased to 15 per pellet from 12 – Those who got early access to the demo know the scatter blaster started off as a beastly weapon, we overshot our correction and we’re hopeful we've found the right setting. • Fireblast upgrade burn damage increased from 15 per second to 20 per second – The reduction in pellet damage was not being offset enough by the fire damage, so we’ve upped the fire damage a bit, each shot will do an extra 10 fire damage.

• EMP Intercooler upgrade now changes the grenade recharge to 10 seconds instead of 7.5 – We know its super fun to run around throwing emp grenades willy-nilly, but it was too much. Besides, you can get the Intercooler pickup and still go crazy. Scientist • Gear Shredder homing increased – This weapon is showing up as the weakest of the scientist weapons and we think the best way to improve it is to increase its homing function. • Sentry Damage increased from 8 to 10 per shot – The sentry was not quite giving the offensive boost we were hoping for, this should help. Destroyer • Reduce the Thermo Rocket Cannon damage from 300 to 250 - The Destroyer was showing up as the most powerful class by a small margin and we think the Thermo Rocket Cannon is a big reason. • Chaos Rift Combuster Damage and Damage Radius significantly increased – You should be doing closer to 300 damage if you manage to hit a guy with both the initial blast and a cluster bomb.
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Hopefully this make the Combuster a better option. • Barrier Cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds – 7 was too fast, it was practically always available Titan • Harvester damage reduced from 20 to 17 – This combination of damage output and healing was too much, we’re preserving the healing functionality and reducing damage. • EDK Techvolt damage increased to 140 from 115 – The beams look cool, but it needed a little more bite. Pyar ki ye ek kahani. • Flak Shield can absorb 500 damage instead of 666 – The flak shield was showing up as clearly being a better choice than whirlwind so we’re slightly reducing its power. Tuning changes from High Moon integrated into the game described by: http://www.highmoonstudios.com/community/hms/blog.
Transformers Fall of Cybertron-SKIDROW (2012) Language: English PC GAME ISO Developer: High Moon Studios Publisher: Activision Release Date: Aug 21, 2012 Genre: Action 2 DVD Transformers: Fall of Cybertron transports you to the final days of the planet Cybertron where you will experience the darkest hours of the apocalyptic war between the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS. Embark on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a wide range of missions and massive environments designed around each characters unique abilities. With the stakes higher than ever before, you play as a variety of Transformers characters, including Grimlock's nearly indestructible T-Rex form and the legendary Combaticons forming into the colossal Bruticus. Fight through both sides of the Transformers most epic battles leading to their legendary exodus from their homeworld. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron allows you to go head-to-head as AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS with its multi-player online mode. Create your own personalized character and weaponry with the most advanced and in-depth customization ever before seen in a Transformers video game.