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Assimilation of educational content aimed at gaining competence requires changes in the educational process. Education should improve personal qualities of students while teaching new material. In the developed countries, teaching and learning process aims at the development of practical skills.
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Wondershare mobiletrans crack mac login free. In the developing states, such as Kazakhstan, educational modernization continues and implies student-centered learning. This article deals with the development of educational competencies through active approach to the content of modern Kazakhstani education, research opinions on student training skills and interconnection between personal skills and competence of students.
(author) [Russian] Obsuzhdaetsya razvitie metodov rascheta yadernykh reaktorov na promezhutochnykh i bystrykh nejtronakh. Rassmatrivayuts ya razlichnye. Oct 16, 2018.
Assimilation of educational content by the students presents a complex process. Because of this process, students expand their knowledge, develop their abilities and skills and thus competence is formed through the development of relevant knowledge and skills. Keywords: Educational activity of students, activity means, integration of learning, competence building, innovative education. This article addresses the problems of tectonic zoning and determination of geodynamical nature of the formation of jointed tectonic structures within the North Caspian oil and gas basin, represented by Caspian Depression of Russian platform of East European Pre-Cambrian Craton and plate ancient Precambrian Platform stabilization and Turan (Scythian-Turan) plate of Cimmerian (Mesozoic) folding. It is stated that the principle of zoning according to time of the final phase of folding in practice is used more often, although this principle was established by geosynclines concept, which was a major paradigm of fixism geotectonic school. It is noted that the main reason of the demand for the fixists principle of zoning, while ignoring main provisions of a more progressive mobilistic concept of plate tectonics, is explained by the inability to discover the interdependence of folded structures of the regional continents formation and isometric forms with closing of ocean basins, comparable with modern (Mesozoic-Cainozoic) oceans.
Although almost all the researchers on this region associates the establishment of the abovementioned plate structures with the development of a hypothetical large oceans of the Paleozoic – Paleo-Uralian ocean and Paleo-Tethys Ocean, respectively. The article specifies the divisiveness of such an interpretation, as the results of research allow us to defend the idea of the regional character of the plate tectonics in pre-Mesozoic stage of development of the planet. From such point of view, the Paleozoic history of the formation of Caspian Depression platform cover and folded basement of Turan (Scythian-Turan) plate cannot be associated with the global plate tectonics.