Lynda C Sharp Essential Training Download
Want an easy way to query and update data? To query different data stores with a single tool? LINQ is the answer. Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) extends Visual Studio with powerful query capabilities based on C# and Visual Basic. LINQ makes big data doable. In LINQ with C# Essential Training, engineer Olivia Chiu introduces techniques for querying, updating, and transforming data with LINQ. She covers standard queries—such as finding overlaps in two datasets and creating hierarchies—as well as complex chained queries.
She also shows how to group and join LINQ queries with lambda expressions, and use LINQ to query SQL databases and XML documents. Last but not least, Olivia provides tips for optimizing the performance of your queries. Instructor •. Olivia Chiu has always had a passion for learning how things work. She earned her bachelor's degree in engineering physics from Queen's University and her master's degree in mechanical engineering from McGill University.
After university, she spent several years programming in LabVIEW and C# as a developer at National Instruments before becoming the project manager for the NI VeriStand development team. Outside of work, Olivia is passionate about educating and encouraging students, and dedicates her time to fostering our next generation of engineers. Art of living sudarshan kriya video download. Skills covered in this course • • • Course Transcript - Huge amount of data is produced every day. This poses an interesting challenge. How are we going to deal with all that data, and what's the best way to filter and reorganize it?
You are here: Home / Programming Languages Training / Lynda – C# Essential Training with Joe Marini Lynda – C# Essential Training with Joe Marini May 24, 2014 by WoW Team 2 Comments.
How do we integrate data from various sources without having to learn new tools for each source? I'm Olivia Chiu, and I'm an engineer in software development. In this course, I'll show.NET's LINQed features to query and parse data. I'll explore various ways to filter, organize, and modify data collections. I'll even show you how LINQ can quickly interface with a variety of data sources, including objects, SQL databases, and XML files. LINQ helps you get the information you need without having to learn a different query language for every source.
This powerful and simple tool can help unlock the potential of raw data. So get your datasets ready. It's time to jump into LINQ with C# Essential Training. • Practice while you learn with exercise files.
Watch this course anytime, anywhere. Course Contents • Introduction Introduction • • • • 1. Introduction to LINQ 1. Introduction to LINQ • • • 2. Basic LINQ Queries 2. Basic LINQ Queries • • • • 3. Data Transformation 3.
Comets may be an unlimited resource of water, minerals and energy that we can mine for use in space-construction or colonization of other planets. El cometa carl sagan pdf online. All it needs is the courage to take a course of action that will benefit us in the short run and future generations in the long run as well. Whether you're reading Comet for the science, history, or just for nostalgic reasons it's a worthwhile read. From Sagan's point of view the future has boundless possibilities.
Data Transformation • • • 4. Type Relationships 4. Type Relationships • • • • 5. Standard Queries 5.
Standard Queries • • • • • • • 6. Lambda Expressions 6. Lambda Expressions • • • • • • • • 7. Complex Queries 7.
Complex Queries • • • • 8. LINQ to SQL 8. LINQ to SQL • • • • 9. LINQ to XML 9.
LINQ to XML • • • 10. Other Operators 10. Other Operators • • • 11. Performance 11.
Performance • • • Conclusion Conclusion •.
• • • • • • Lynda – C Sharp Essential Training English Size: 697.85 MB (731,744,726 Bytes) Category: Tutorial C# is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over. In these tutorials, David Gassner takes you through C#’s history, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. After explaining C#’s relationship to.NET and Windows, David shows how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dives into the language itself. C# is an object-oriented language designed by Microsoft and used by systems engineers, desktop programmers, and mobile app developers the world over. In these tutorials, David Gassner takes you through C#’s history, its core syntax, and the fundamentals of writing strong C# code. After explaining C#’s relationship to.NET and Windows, David shows how to install Visual Studio, a great IDE for developing in C#, and then dives into the language itself.

Along the way, he covers topics such as: Declaring and initializing variables with a variety of data types Exploring operators, expressions, constants, and enumerations Controlling flow with conditional code and loops Handling exceptions Managing data collections Creating custom classes Organizing classes by namespace Understanding inheritance Whether you’re choosing C# as your first step into programming or adding it your existing skillset, these training videos will help you understand the language and use it to build your own great software. Buy Long-term Premium Accounts To Support Me & Max Speed DOWNLOAD: If any links die or problem unrar, send request to Comments comments.