Hsbc Wire Transfer Form Pdf
Manage your transfers online Important: before making a transfer to a new national or international beneficiary (1), register their bank details online. Transfers You can make national or international transfers online to your pre-registered beneficiary accounts. You can also make national and international transfers from your mobile phone. • Online transfers Transfers in France: Stage 1: follow the links to «Transfers / Make a domestic transfer» in your secure client area. Stage 2: select the account to be debited and the beneficiary account from the drop-down lists displaying the available accounts. Stage 3: check the details entered and confirm the transaction. NB: If the account to be credited is not shown in the list, you will need to register a new beneficiary account.
International transfers: Stage 1: follow the links to «Transfers / Make an international transfer» in your secure client area. Stage 2: select the account to be debited and the beneficiary account from the drop-down lists displaying the available accounts. Program stock barang php. Stage 3: check the details entered and confirm the transaction. Good know: In the «Transfers» section you can: - view, amend or delete your pending transfers in the «transfers pending» section. - access details of your past transfers made or rejected in the «Transfer history» section.
Demand Draft Application Form (PDF, 56KB) Cheque Book Application Form (PDF, 33KB) Smartform (Telegraphic Transfer/Local Interbank Fund Transfer/In-House Transfer) (PDF, 1.56MB).
• Transfers from your mobile phone Stage 1: connect to your HSBC app. Stage 2: go to the «Transfers» section.

Stage 3: select the account to be debited and the beneficiary account from the drop-down lists displaying the available accounts. Stage 4: check the details entered and confirm the transaction. NB: transfer fees may be charged: Remember: To request a national transfer from your branch: download, print and fax the form Add a new beneficiary • Free to use External national or international transfers require prior registration of the beneficiary's bank details. You can enter details for new national or international beneficiaries in complete security online. • Easy and safe to use - To add a new beneficiary account (IBAN or free format): follow the links to «Transfers / Manage bank details» in your secure client area. All the information required must be correctly completed in order to avoid the rejection of transfers and possible additional costs. To protect you against fraud, the addition of a new beneficiary must be authenticated by entering a transaction security code generated by your HSBC Secure Key.
* Dial +33 810 246 810 from abroad. (1) We would like to remind you that in accordance with current French regulations, individuals, associations and companies which do not have a commercial form, who are French tax residents or are established in France, are required to declare, on their personal or corporate income tax return, the accounts opened, used or closed abroad as well as all accrued income. Furthermore, upon receipt of securities income through these accounts, individuals must pay social security contributions and, if necessary, an advance income tax payment. Additionally, in accordance with current French regulations, French tax resident individuals are required to declare, on their income tax return, life insurance contracts purchased with insurance institutions established outside France and, if applicable, all accrued income. Moreover, in certain circumstances, upon receipt of this income, these individuals must pay social security contributions. In the event of failure to comply with these obligations, concerned persons may be subject to payment of back taxes and tax penalties (fines, surtax and late payment interest). For further information regarding these tax obligations, we recommend you contact your usual advisors.