Descargar Software Mepdg Design
Part 1 NEW: ME-PDG - Version 1.1 is now available for download from this website through 30 September 2011. Click here to ME-PDG Version 1.100 is No Longer Available ME-PDG Version 1.1 requires updated Climatic files from version 0.910 or later, which can be download here. Check back regularly for updates to the ME-PDG. As new features are added and bugs fixed updates and patches to the software will be posted as they become available. Canon lbp 810 rukovodstvo po razborke code. The online version of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (ME-PDG) is available to anyone with Internet access who has an interest in evaluating the guide and software. The pavement design guide is provided in an Adobe PDF format that is read-only, non-save, non-printable, and non-editable.
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The software can be downloaded for installation on a local drive in executable form, but its copy-protection feature requires access to the Internet to check for a specific file on the Transportation Research Board web server at each use. Certain supporting technical reports from Project 1-37A are available online in an unrestricted PDF format. This version will expire when the guide and software are available from AASHTO or at another time determined by NCHRP. NCHRP may revise this version as necessary and provide updates on the Internet. COMMUNITY SUPPORT The FHWA Design Guide Implementation Team has established the to provide a central forum for user dialogue on the design guide and software.
These submissions will also be regularly reviewed for possible response or appropriate action by FHWA, NCHRP, its technical support contractors, and the AASHTO JTFP. CONTACTS NCHRP Sponsored versions, (202) 334-3232 Installation problems, (217) 356-4500 between 8am-5pm END-USER SUPPORT Under contract with NCHRP, Applied Research Associates Inc.
Transportation, is available for a limited time period to assist end users with installation of the guide and software from the CD-ROM or Internet and navigating the user interface of the software. If support is required, contact, at (217) 356-4500. COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS, AND PROGRAM ERROR (“BUG”) REPORTS Program error (“bug”) reports, and user comments and suggestions on the design guide and software may be sent by email to or by fax to Ed Harrigan at (202) 334-2006. All submissions will be reviewed by NCHRP, its technical support contractors, the AASHTO JTFP, and FHWA, and will be either immediately resolved or evaluated for possible inclusion in periodic updates planned for the guide and software.

To view and report current ME-PDG bugs and known problems visit terms and Conditions of Use for CD-ROM and Online Versions INTRODUCTION This distribution of the ME-PDG developed in NCHRP Project 1-37A is made in the interest of information exchange, and for the purposes of introducing the design guide and software to the pavement design and engineering community and encouraging their thorough evaluation by a wide range of potential end users in the public and private sectors. The ME-PDG is a research product, subject to change without notice, and is not intended for use in its present form by public or private sector organizations for routine pavement design or for any commercial purpose. The Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, the National Research Council, the Federal Highway Administration, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, and the individual states participating in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program assume no liability for the contents of the ME-PDG or use thereof. CD-ROM VERSION Initial distribution of the CD-ROM version of the ME-PDG is as follows: • State Departments of Transportation • Members of the AASHTO Joint Task Force on Pavements (JTFP) • Members of NCHRP Panels 1-37 and 1-40 • Federal Highway Administration • National Asphalt Pavement Association and American Concrete Pavement Association Due to its copy-protection feature, the CD-ROM must remain in the CD drive for the software to operate. While this version will not expire, it may be superseded by newer versions available in the future from NCHRP. INSTALLATION To install ME-PDG on your computer, extract the files included in the mepdg.zip file to a temporary directory. Either run the setup.exe program from the temporary directory or by right clicking on the dg2002.msi file and selecting install.
It is recommended that the software be installed in the c: DG2002 directory. There are two modes that this software can operate in. The first is NCHRP Sponsor mode. To operate in NCHRP sponsor mode, the installation NCHRP Sponsor CD-ROM must remain in the CD-ROM drive. The other operation mode is the on-line mode.